Good morning! I was recently listening to my favorite podcast, and they mentioned how as Catholic’s we do Lent really well. We have our devotionals, journals, Lenten sacrifices, penances and fasting. But when it comes to celebrating Easter, we’re not so good at that. For some reason it can be harder, and not as natural, to be people of the Resurrection - to Feast! I found it personally convicting, in a good way. I want to live this Easter out differently.
On a related note, this morning I read a powerful homily that I want to share with you. If you, like me, want to lean in to the Resurrection, this is such a practical way to do that.
Here is one passage:
“Remember your own Galilee and walk towards it, for it is the “place” where you came to know Jesus personally, where he stopped being just another personage from a distant past, but a living person: not some distant God but the God who is at your side, who more than anyone else knows you and loves you. Brother, sister, remember Galilee, your Galilee, and your call...Each of us knows the place of his or her interior resurrection, that beginning and foundation, the place where things changed. We cannot leave this in the past; the Risen Lord invites us to return there to celebrate Easter. Remember your Galilee, remember it.”
In the painting below I tried to depict the wonder, joy, and awe of Mary Magdalene encountering the Risen Christ. This is the moment He spoke her name. It is the moment her hope was restored, and not just restored, but given in abundance. Hope was poured out to overflowing. Hope was given to her, and then spread to the Apostles, and then to the world.
Two last things.
1. I still have a small handful of these beautiful black and white prints left. So many people added this image to their Easter collection this year, and I am so honored that my art is in your homes! The black and white with gold is no longer available on my website, but I am extending this for you (as long as copies last). And I will add the gold for no extra charge. Just purchase the colored version and add a note like, (black and white with gold), and I will get that out to you right away!
Thanks so much for responding to the poll in the last message! I’m currently working on designing some Sacrament cards and I have some great ideas for more Catholic art in the works. This Easter Season I will be in touch a bit more often. I have so much on my mind, and so many projects to share. As always, thanks for being here!
P.S. Sometimes trying to get a nice family picture just means getting a picture. This was taken after a 2.5 hr Easter Vigil. One kid had just woken up, baby slept through Mass, and everyone was ready for food! Also, Lucy’s dolls head made it into the picture too. This is real life. :)